Dear Friends,
I hope you are well and taking time to absorb the glorious colors, smells, and sounds of spring! I just drove back North from Florida and witnessed the slow movement of colorful magic along the way.....and thank you, Charlottesville, for reminding me of why I lived there...the dogwoods , the redbuds, and the myriad of greens welcomed me home! Back in New England the glory is taking smaller steps but each day the buds are a bit larger and I'm looking at bright crimson tulips out my window as I write. Nature is such a great mirror for us to take time to stop and 'smell the roses'... and share them. Pay attention to the bursting forward of inspiration, ideas, and creations. I spent the morning looking up painting classes this summer and am determined to fit that into my schedule....what's asking to be created in your life? Speaking of being inspired, I recently had the honor of leading another retreat in Mexico. It was AMAZING!! I was slightly hesitant after a 2 year hiatus if I'd be continuing, but that fear was squashed after about a minute with this dynamic group in this glorious location. As Jack said, " This was the most incredible retreat and experience ever!! My heart is filled with joy and love"

Fran asked " What happens when you join a group of 15 beautiful souls in a magical place like Mar de Jade, under the inspired leadership of Beth Goldstein? A tapestry of memories and bonds that will last a lifetime."
Michele (who returned for the third time !) said, "Thank you, Beth, just when I thought it could not get any better....it did!. You brought a wonderful group of people together in a beautiful and visionary resort. A Bubble of Love!"

Well,of course ,given that feedback,we're on for next year (and the retreat is already filling up!) If you're inspired to join us on Feb 4-11 2023, bring a friend or loved on and each receive a $50 tuition discount and $100 discount for those repeating. Don't wait as this will definitely fill. https://www.heartspathhealing.com/retreats-1Or perhaps if this fills early, I'll be inspired to teach 2 retreats next year!

And Yes, for you Ptowners and visitors, beach yoga is on! Late June most likely but stay tuned for exact opening day. MWF, & S at 9am. More info on my website, www.ptownbeachyoga.com . Much love and many blessings, Beth