I hope you're able to feel your light and warmth during winter hibernation. I'm actually grateful for every 'cold' rainy day in Florida as it reminds me to go 'inside'. I intended to get back to teaching on my youtube channel this winter but instead I'm being a student of online yoga and meditation practices from inspiring teachers.
If you choose to take the time, I recommend
Do Yoga With Me.com,https://www.doyogawithme.com/yoga-classes
Yogi Tias Little, https://www.prajnayoga.com/tias-little/
or check out this short, lovely chakra awareness piece by Sonia Choquette, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fideZ7p0t-s
OR join me in person for heart centered yoga, hands-on-healing, and guided meditation in Mexico. Our work (and play!) together is supported by a glorious, secluded ocean front resort (with the best food ever!)

There are ONLY two spaces left!!
Need a reframe??Mark your calanders for an marvelous journey of healing, balance, and inspiration in Mexico ,March 2022 at the incredible MardeJade Retreat!!

Come with a loved one and receive a $200 discount on your tuition
Call or text me for more information: bethgoldstein@earthlink.net, 540-456-7009.

Free videos: https://www.heartspathhealing.com/gallery or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3XarYZqKnbIDumpgGD4T There are over 40 videos to choose from. Enjoy a seven part education/ meditation series on our relationship to the elements of nature....or a practice from 10 min to an hour!